Hello, and thanks for visiting Dreampop! My real name is Felipe, I am 17 years old.

My native language is Brazilian Portuguese, but i also speak English and am learning both Spanish and Japanese. I'm currently attending a technical course in electronics at the state of São Paulo, and i study programming as a hobby, you can read more about these topics in their respective pages.

Dreampop is a website based on the early, web1.0 internet style, while still retaining some modern aspects. It's currently being hosted under Neocities. I also write blog-posts about my day to day life on blogspot (you can also check its respective RSS feed), but it's being written in portuguese. I'm also working on a more technical blog on Bearblogs that's written in english.

Recently I've been getting into maker culture, after learning a ton about electronics i realized that it's not just about blinking LED's and that you can build a ton of awesome things with it. Due to money and hardware issues, i haven't built anything major yet, but with my town opening a maker space I hope that'll change soon. Depends on how motivated i'll be. If i ever make any progress on some of the things on my mind, I swear i will write about them somewhere!

I'm heading to my last year of High School, and i intend to pursue Electrical/Computer engineering, but that's still up in the air. I'm not the best at designing circuits, but i enjoy the process, have designed some PCB's in the past and would probably get better at it if I applied myself more, LOL.

As one might guess, the name Dreampop originated from the music genre, which i'm very passionate about. I'm also very interested in music, I collect CD's and catalog my collection, as well as everything i listen under my RYM and Last.FM pages.

You can visit all of these pages and more under the Links page.

Feel free to explore this website and to check out some of the neocities websites i enjoy the most under my button wall and webrings. Thanks for reading!